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    Linux hakkında pek çok bilgi, güncel haberler, Türk Linux çalışmalarına linkler.

    linux.org.tr * • T5 -

    Linus Torvalds, creator of the Linux operating system and the Git source code management system, opened the “Code Power” session at the recent TED2016...

    https://www.linux.com * • T5 -

    usmbilisim.com Bilişim Teknolojileri Hizmetleri

    usmbilisim.com * • T5 -

    Sie möchten gern Ubuntu oder ein anderes Linux auf einem Apple-Gerät installieren? Wenn Sie auf einige Besonderheiten Rücksicht nehmen, ist das kein Problem.

    https://www.pcwelt.de/ratgeber/Linux_auf_den_Mac_packen_-_so... * • T5 -

    Um Linux auf den iPod zu installieren, müssen Sie zuerst das Betriebssystem ... Erstellen eines neuen Images einschließlich des Linux und der Apple Firmware:

    ipodlinux.sourceforge.net/installation_de.shtml * • T5 -

    Our mission is to build a community of people using Linux on PowerPC and Intel based Apple computers and to gather information about this subject as much as possible.

    mac.linux.be * • T5 -

    Linux, 1991 yılında Finlandiyalı bir üniversite öğrencisi olan Linus Torvalds tarafından, daha eski işletim sistemlerinden birisi olan UNIX'in mimarisine ve POSIX standartlarına uygun şekilde sıfırdan yazılamaya başlanmıştır. Geliştirilmesinde Unix mimarisinden esinlenilmiş olmakla birlikte Linux içinde Unix'ten alınmış herhangi bir kod bulunmamaktadır.

    https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux * • T5 -

    Linux.com is the go-to resource for open source professionals to learn about the latest in Linux and open source technology, careers, best practices, and industry trends. Get news, information, and tutorials to help advance your next project or career – or just to simply stay informed.

    https://www.linux.com * • T5 -

    Every application running on a Linux machine is a process. Some applications may have multiple processes to help create the whole application.

    https://www.linux.org * • T5 -

    Links to popular distribution download pages. Below you'll find links that lead directly to the download page of 25 popular Linux distributions.

    https://www.linux.org/pages/download * • T5 -